Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County (JFCS) has announced a new Dementia Caregiver Connection group which will include a support group for the caregiver, a separate activity for the family member with dementia, followed by a lunch for all participants.

The caregiver component will provide support, as well as techniques and resources for those caring for someone with dementia or other memory impairment. It will be facilitated by JFCS’s Chaplin Beverly Rubman. The activity for the care recipient will be supervised by Artis Senior Living, a memory care community in Princeton, NJ. This activity will be both engaging and stimulating. Afterward, the couple will reunite for lunch, enabling them to enjoy a meal together in a safe, loving and relaxed environment. Lunch will be provided by Artis.

“This program will provide caregivers, also known as ‘invisible second patients’ with the support they so desperately need.” says Michelle Napell, executive director of JFCS. “Caregivers of those with dementia are especially lacking in social contact and support. Many are socially isolated because they are too occupied with their support duties or they are unable to leave their partner alone because they don’t have additional help.”


Dates: Four Thursdays, September 6th, 13, 20, 27
Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm
Location: Artis Senior Living (861 Alexander Rd., Princeton)
Cost: $50 for 4 sessions (includes a complimentary lunch)
Register: Contact Beverly Rubman at or 609-987-8100 ext. 151