“What now?”
In recent years, we have asked these questions all too often.
Intolerance claimed another life Saturday – that of a 32-year-old woman who was on a street in Charlottesville, Va. taking a stand against hate.
We cannot always reason the “why” or the “how” in the wake of tragedy, but we can always determine the “what now.”
Now, we stand up and show unity with those who protest racism.
Now, we deny hatred and fear and embrace kindness and understanding.
Now, we recognize that the differences amongst us do not need to divide.
Now, we re-affirm the beliefs, values & traditions that have always guided us.
We treat every individual with dignity and respect, no matter their creed, their background, or their beliefs.
We remind ourselves and our children of tikkun olam which is our obligation to repair the world.
We become the light in the darkness.