The 2017 JFCS Gala was truly A Bubbly Evening! Thank you to our guests, sponsors and those who wished us well! Please share the video with your friends so they will come with you next year!

We hope you enjoyed the party & celebrating our honorees!

Corporate Honoree: Bai Brands
Recognizing a business leader with community roots

Community Honorees:
Celebrating the leadership of..

Daniel J. Wagner, JFCS Board President, 2013-2015
Joyce L. Kalstein, JFCS Board President, 2011-2013
Norma Susswein Saks, JFCS Board President, 2009-2011
Jeri Schaefer, JFCS Board President, 2007-2009

Click Here to view the JFCS 2017 Gala home page.

