SCREENAGERS: Growing up in the Digital Age — a documentary and JFCS-led discussion you won’t want to miss!

SCREENAGERS_TWITTERWe are thrilled to present SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age, a documentary about the biggest parenting issue of our time.

Thursday, October 27, 2016, 6:30 PM
Chapin School, 4101 Princeton Pike, Princeton, NJ  08540
Tickets: $10/Adult, Kids 10+ free. Click here to register online!

Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span?  Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that happening with her own kids and began a quest to uncover how it might impact their development. As with her other two award-winning documentaries on mental health, Ruston takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, SCREENAGERS reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and also offers solutions on how adults can empower their kids to best navigate the digital world to find balance.

As seen on Good Morning America

Watch the Movie Trailer


Why Community Service is important for Teens and how JFCS is responding…

DSCN5505By engaging in volunteer work, teens have an opportunity to learn experientially. They discover where their passions lie while undertaking “feel good” projects that truly make a difference. These experiences allow them to make more informed choices about college and career options as well as instilling a lifelong interest in giving back.



 The Personal Benefits of Teen Volunteering:

  • Develops an increased sense of social responsibility—a global view of society and a heart for “giving back” and helping others.
  • Exposes teens to diversity
  • Provides an opportunity to apply academic learning to real human needs.
  • Builds relationships and “social connectedness” with peers, adults, and activists sharing a cause.
  • Improves communication and critical thinking skills.
  • Helps students find their passions and interests that may lead to a career choice they may have not considered.

For full posting, see the original blog at

Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County is launching the Teen Mitzvah Brigade for all teens 6th to 12th Grade. Come to one, two or all the programs. Great for B’nai Mitzvah Projects or Community Service hours!

For more information or to RSVP contact Lisa Adler at or 609-987-8100 X113

Mark your calendars for:

Back-to-school backpack stuffing
Prepare back-to-school kits for JFCS clients
Wednbackpack iconesday, August 17, 2016
5:00—6:30 PM
Jewish Family & Children’s Service
707 Alexander Road, Suite 204, Princeton


Mini Mitzvah Day
Assemble snacks, meal kits & soup kitchen supplies
bowl of soup iconThursday, November 10, 2016 (Teacher’s Convention)
10:00 AM—12:00 PM
Jewish Family & Children’s Service
707 Alexander Road, Suite 102, Princeton


Chanukah Family Mitzvah Project
Scavenger hunt & pantry restock
menorah icon
Wednesday, December 22, 2016
6:00—8:00 PM
ShopRite, 3373 Brunswick Pike, Lawrenceville
Jewish Family & Children’s Service
707 Alexander Road, Suite 204, Princeton

J-Serve Princeton
International Day of Jewish Youth Service
star of david icon
Sunday, April 2, 2017
2:00—4:00 PM
Adath Israel Congregation & Beth El Synagogue