CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP:  For Those Under The Age of 75 Who are Helping Their Spouse

Are you caring for a spouse with Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, early onset dementia or chronic illness?  You are not alone. Our non-sectarian caregiver support group is specially geared to those under the age of 75.  It will provide tips, techniques and  resources to help you live your life while supporting your loved one.  This group will be facilitated by Chaplain Beverly Rubman, MA.

When:  Held every other Tuesday from 10:15 a.m.—11:30 a.m.  Please call us at 609-987-8100 to find out when the next session begins.

Where:  The Jewish Center in the Adult Library (435 Nassau Street, Princeton)

Cost:  $50 for 6 sessions

Pre-Registration required:  To register, contact Beverly Rubman at (609) 987-8100 x151 or

Coffee and light refreshments will be served.  Open to the Community.
