The Board and Officers cordially invite you to a Grand Opening and Dedication of our newly renovated offices on Sunday, September 20, 2015.
Join us for a dedication ceremony at 3:30 pm followed by office tours and refreshments until 5:00 pm.
707 Alexander Road, Suite 102
Princeton, NJ 08540
Questions? Contact Michele Hlewicki, 609-987-8100 x115 or
It’s never too early to think about how you can perpetuate your Jewish values for future generations by making a legacy promise to the organizations that are important to you. The Life & Legacy initiative* provides a way for loyal JFCS supporters and donors to help ensure the sustainability of the agency for the generations that will follow. When you make a legacy promise, it announces to the world the principles YOU stand for by sustaining our organization.
See our Life & Legacy page for more information. To discuss this unique opportunity further, please contact Helaine Isaacs at (609) 987-8100 ext. 104.
*Life & Legacy is a partnership program with The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and local Jewish nonprofit organizations, including JFCS.
JFCS is happy to announce that it has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation President’s Grant fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation!
In the spring of 2015, JFCS undertook expansion of its offices including the physical space of the Kosher food pantry. The funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation President’s Grant fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation will be used to purchase healthy and fresh food items (e.g. fruits, vegetables, eggs and dairy products) which cannot be collected through traditional community food drives.
Read the whole article on
We are excited to announce that WE HAVE MOVED into our new and renovated spaces!
With your help, we have created a functional, dignified, and comforting place to serve the community. Visit our Fund the Future page for pictures and more information!
JFCS is pleased to announce our new Executive Committee and Board of Directors, effective July 1, 2015!
Our new Executive Committee:
President: Audrey D. Wisotsky
First Vice President: Harold M. Heft
Vice President: Nancy Alter
Vice President: Rakefet Kasdin
Vice President: Lois Miller
Treasurer: Jeremy Perlman
Secretary: Shara Hofing
Immediate Past President: Daniel J. Wagner
Our 2015-2016 Board of Directors, with a special welcome to new board members:
Jennifer Agran, Andrea Dedrick, Andrea Genek, Elad Granot, Matt Kestenbaum, Max Orland, Arlene S. Pedovitch, Scott Sussman, Milan Vaclavik
We’re excited to welcome you to the team!

JFCS participated in the 2015 Communiversity in Princeton on Sunday, April 26, 2015. We handed out 500 yoyos, greeted hundreds of participants, and educated the community on JFCS programs and services. A big thank you to our volunteers and staff who helped make it a successful day.

Join JFCS for our 78th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015, for the installation of a new board president, officers, and board members. We will also be recognizing our award winning volunteers in three categories: Tzedakah, Gemilut Chasidim, and Kehillah. A light dinner will be served at 6PM (RSVP required), and the meeting will begin at 7PM.
See the event invitation for full details!
JFCS Intern Heather Ciociola was featured in Rutgers Today as a future leader in social work.
Read the article here!
Barbara Majeski and Linda Meisel are interviewed on Princeton Community Television’s Connect with Anne Reeves.
Published on 3/31/2015
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County has received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Community Health Collaborative to benefit the expanded Ohel Avraham Kosher Food Pantry.
The grant will allow for a Nutrition Education and Wellness initiative with the consultation of a Registered Dietician.
Novo Nordisk has donated Eating Well cookbooks and portion control plates to the food pantry.